The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

Caen Hill (Monday 17th April 2017)

On my way home on Monday I stopped off at Caen Hill and had a look to see what the swans were up to. The newly paired cygnets were not in sight, so perhaps they have set off to establish their own territory. I have been wondering when the established pair would start breeding again, and my questions were answered when I saw the pen swan sitting on a newly built nest beside Monument Lock, with the cob swan nonchalantly gliding and grazing nearby on the canal. I knew from previous years that she would not mind me coming close by to photograph her and I watched her out of the corner of my eye to make sure she wasn't disturbed, got a couple of shots and let her be.

19.4.2017 (1910 hr)

Blip #2083 (#2333 including 250 archived blips)
Consecutive Blip #032
Blips/Extras In 2017 #126
Day #2580 (511 gaps from 26 March 2010)
LOTD #1318 (#1444 including 126 on archived blips

Caen Hill series
Canals series
Kennet and Avon Canal series
Swan series
Spring series

Taken with Pentax K-50 (Red) and Pentax HD P-DA 55-300mm F4-5.8 ED WR lens

A Visit To Caen Hill, 17 April 2017 (Flickr album of 17 images)

Lozarhythm of the Day:
U-Roy - Control Tower (1977)
This is a version of a track by the Gladiators that opens U-Roy's album Rasta Ambassador. It uses the 'riddim' of a track that was on the B-side of their Pocket Money 12" discomix single, wrongly labelled as Evil Doers, and always referred to as that, although Evil Doers is actually the dub section of Pocket Money, and the actual title is Stand Unite (No More War).
The Gladiators were unusual as a harmony reggae group at that time as they were also instrumentalists, though embellished by top flight sessioneers known as the Aggrovators, including Sly and Robbie amongst their ranks, and all shown to great effect on this dub, engineered by Errol T.

One year ago:
Bowood 2016 #8 (Another swan)

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