Happy Birthday!

Well my birthday was in November and my present from the boys and my sister was a hot air balloon flight. Wow, something that i had always wanted to do. I booked it several weeks ago for today and Mr PB bought a ticket too.

We left the house just after 6.00am and had the stressful moment of realising that neither of us had the tickets! We returned home, retrieved them and then MR PB drove like a demon so we weren't late.  In the end they weren't required.

There was 16 of us plus the pilot. I was surprised at how big the actual balloon was. We helped to get the balloon inflated and before I could take any pictures of it inflated we were told to get in the basket.  This is a picture (taken by Mr PB) at the end when the men got out and helped to stabilize the balloon.

Our flight lasted about an hour and we reached 3000ft. We took off from Huntingdon Racecourse and landed in Leighton Bromswold (a distance of about 8 miles by road). The morning was sunny and cold to start but we could not have asked for a more perfect day. The views were amazing. It wasn't scary at all, very peaceful with the regular wosh of the burners. We were seen by 3 people I knew on their way to work.

We landed with a few bumps, but the whole thing was very stable and smooth. Once we had packed everything away we had a glass of Champagne and then were mini bused back to our cars.

Wow thank you L, F and H fab present and loved every minute xxxx

theres a few more in extras.  

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