At Close of Play . . .

a large area of stones was cleared and the weed mat rolled back to reveal the dreaded Nelson clay.  Other bits and pieces that had been accumulating were loaded up and taken to the dump.  A neighbour who is also a handy man/electrician came and had a look at an interesting heater that is in the lounge but surrounded by a book case.  If you turn it on the fan blows but it doesn't blow warm air.  Turns out it is a mini radiator connected by pipes to the hot water.  The water is not getting to the pipes.  Could be an issue with it's little pump.  More investigating to be done.  If it's not going to work I'd rather it be removed and we can have more shelf space.  All in all a productive day.  A blip meet to look forward to tomorrow and on Saturday a teaching friend from Rotorua is coming to stay for a few days.  
The image is from my deck at 6.30pm this evening.  

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