Looking Up

I was far too pre-occupied with the struggle to take my club back and actually hit the ball to take any photos on the golf course this morning, so I have turned to one of the projects that Emma Davies suggested in the A Year With My Camera course a few weeks back and blipped something that was directly over my head as I stood on the garden path this afternoon.

More blossom, I'm afraid, but the apple blossom is looking particularly good at the moment. The severe pruning the tree was given over winter seems to have done it good

As for the golf, having sprayed the ball all over the place for the first 6 holes, I did manage to get things back under control and post a much more respectable score than looked likely.

I think I'm going to have to go back to the club pro for another lesson, though, before my playing partners get fed up waiting for me to play my shots!

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