
By bananablip

Some questions

Why are feet so weird? I know they're super useful and everything but why do they have to look so ugly? Mine are now a particularly sorry state. After miles of running and walking, I think my blisters have blisters. Feet are gross. I figure that some people must enjoy them though, and I might pay one of those people to give me a good pedi after Oswestry.

Why are some runs so hard? There seems to be no reason or rhyme as to why some days runs seem dreamy and on other days every single step feels horrible.

Why is working in an empty office so hideous for motivation? Why can I power through my jobs when I've got the team in and then struggle through the day when I'm on my own?

Why is it ok for people to share every aspect of their lives on facebook, the religious bits, the food bits, the pets and the downright dull bits and then start complaining as soon as people start to talk about something as vital as the politics that will shape our lives for the next four years?

Why are exfoliating gloves £2.99 in Superdrug?

Why do I have to wait until 8pm for Masterchef?

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