
By Shonie

Welcome back to Crazy...

Well it really has been quite a while but with uni coming up I remembered how much I used to love Blipping and it really gave me a small window of the day that wasn't waitressing or studying.
Both those things have not changed; I am due to start back Monday for my final year at uni and the nerves have well and truly gone into overdrive.
I am also still waitressing, this is a continuous mood zapper in my life.. not so much the job and the customers but the red tape and managerial rubbish that comes along with it.
So here I go again, as before I am not promising any award winning photos but I do like being able to take a snap shot of the day.
This Blip is of my newly shaved head, ive been wanting to do it for such a long time so bit the bullet. Mr T (The hubby) thinks it is abit long and wants to take it down abit shorter himself... I hate to admit he is right. His head gets so large ;)
But ...on this occasion, he is right.

Anyway Blippers, hope you are all having a lovely September Saturday.


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