Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze


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Big day yesterday as I met two first cousins for the first time! Natalie (left) and Justine (right) are the daughters of my dad's late brother William. William left Scotland for London when he was just a young lad (17 or 18 we think), headed for London and a few years later went to South Africa with his wife Denise (their mum) and settled there. As must have been so easy in these days with no internet, facebook and the like, they simply lost contact over the years (no bad blood or fall out) and in fact never met again. William passed away four years ago. My dad three years ago. It was only then that contact between the two families was made again. We exchanged a few emails and photos and then yesterday, as they were visiting Barcelona for a few days with a group of six friends, we finally met! For my cousins, it was the first time they'd met family on their dad's side. No pressure then! Anyway, it went very well. It was lovely to meet them and we had them and their friends for lunch together in our house. Questions were asked about the family history and a few photos were passed around of our dads. Many more questions will no doubt be asked and many more photos will be passed around now that we're in touch again!

PS: Bb did a great job as always taking the pic under my direction. He also did an excellent job serving us food and drink all afternoon.
Link to the whole group pic in Bb's journal

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