Pixelfoto's Journal

By Pixelfoto

Bedale Bonnets

In contrast to yesterday we have had a wonderfully relaxing day today. We drove to Leyburn, in Wensleydale, and had coffee Tennants Auction House. I needed some information about group visits but fear it will be too expensive. Tennants is the largest family owned auction house in the UK and one of the largest in Europe.

Then we went into the centre of Leyburn for a light lunch. On our way home we avoided the Bedale bypass and went into Bedale itself. The yarn bombers have put Easter bonnets on all the bollards in the town and are hoping it will give people a reason to visit the town. Since the bypass was opened the town has had a drop in visitor numbers.

Later this evening we are going to a performance of Haydn's 'Creation' by the Stokesley & District Choral Society.

While at the auction house we had a look at the Patchwork exhibition which included some really old items belonging to the Quilters' Guild.  There was also a vintage Austin 7 on display which will be featured in a future auction. See extras.

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