Possibly The Last One ... ?

Laundry ... dishes ... supermarket errands ... DIY store for more paint ... 

And then, before driving to the new house, detoured again to the bulb fields, more out of curiosity.  I knew they had already begun harvesting and wondered if there were any fields left.  The answer is yes, but, indeed, not for long.  This was shot in the area behind the dike where I had already taken numerous shots and a third of the fields were gone.  It had been sunny but then came the clouds, and it even began to drizzle, but not before I managed about a dozen.

Back to the house first to rescue the laundry, and for a quick cup of tea, then off to Breda where I retouched the part of the wall near the floor plints, and began on another wall, the other one close to the kitchen.  It should be done by tomorrow.  Returned home, dinner and NCIS, and now I'm working on some fresh genealogy info from the bureau.  While attending various seminars and taking MOOCs, I've noticed the frequent use of what is known as 'word clouds', which reflect which words appear most often in a report or which items people vote on most.  I've decided to use word clouds in each branch of the tree I'm working on, instead of long detailed indices, although I might do a two-page index for each branch with the most common names.  I don't have any idea how many thousands of names I now have and 16 indices will only be repeating what can already be found in the 'main text', so a word cloud should give readers an instant impression of what names to expect per index.  Even after 23 years, it is still intriguing.

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