Dolly at Aonach Mòr

We were up early to drive up to Oban to collect something we'd ordered on our last visit! It's always a nice drive, but only if you can remember if you've turned your hair straighteners off 50 miles in!! One panicked phone call to my brother in law later we continued on our way, oops! An early arrival in Oban meant we could enjoy it before it got busy, we even managed to go to the chocolate shop/cafe for lunch, the waffles were yummy! We then drove on to Fort William, it's a really nice drive! After a look around town, we headed to the mountains! I'm not ever going to attempt to walk up one of these, so we took the gondola instead, much more civilised if you ask me! It's still a long way to the top, but the view from the base station is pretty great! We headed home via the Cairngorms, such a lovely drive! I promised Eli we would stop round and see him when we got home so we spent the rest of the evening doing jigsaws and playing dominoes with him before bedtime, he was putting it off as long as possible! Home to the bunnies and a bit of quick tidying and it's bedtime for us too, I'm not as keen as Eli to put it off though!

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