Party preps

An early start with 2 very excited children to have grandma staying! We got up and running and it was b'day cake decoration time - I do love my biannual cake decorating challenge. Peppa proved a good project and I was v pleased with the results (so was Rosie!).

Into town with Mum, T and the children to pick up an implausibly large teletubby balloon (chosen by R is course) and a giant '2'! She wanted the number 7 and I had to try and reason with a my not quite 2 yr old in the shop as to why this wasn't a good idea!!

A few more party essentials and then lunch in M&S before coming home to sandpit play, Lego, party bag making and blowing up balloons. So exciting - R has taught herself the phrase 'I am SO excited' this afternoon! And kept repeating it over and over! Love her - she is such a tinker.

So nice to have Mum here to join in the party preparations and to experience the party excitement!

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