
The owner of this car at an antique car demonstration insisted I get in and take a photo - well, I didn't actually take the photo as you may have guessed.  Today was overcast all day and we did get a quick rain shower (desperately needed) late afternoon.  We visited briefly with some old friends who have moved down here permanently, visited the property we purchased about 14 years ago, decided this is not a good place for us to "retire" to and then had dinner with Sumner's high school and college love and his mom and step dad.  It was wonderful visiting with them, they knew and loved her well and we shared many funny and poignant memories.  As fate would have it, we rented the condo we're staying in located about a 5 minute walk from the house the mom and step dad moved into last year, moving here from Washington, DC.   Matt just happened to be visiting with his mom and lives in Jackson Hole, Wyoming now.  A wonderful evening. 

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