Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2017 Saturday -- A Man's Place is in . . .

A man's place is in the . . . well, tonight Mr. Fun's place is in the kitchen because that is what he chooses. He likes to think it is his job to clean the kitchen after we have our evening meal. He doesn't like to wipe clean the stovetop, the countertops, nor cleanser the sink, so I know that every day or two I need to do that.

But this photo does capture the new lights in the kitchen and this past Wednesday and Thursday the painters were here to finish the remodeling job that was started on Friday, March 31st. We're pleased with the result. This remodel also included new lighting in our downstairs guest bathroom, which is a half-bath (no shower or tub). It also included our upstairs master bathroom.

So I spent quite a bit of time today putting our master bath back together. We emptied the drawers and cupboards in the vanity (what a mess). We've lived in this house since August 1994. It has been a LONG time since I have ever emptied the drawers and cupboards. I do have them lined with terry cloth, so I just pulled those out of each cardboard and drawer and did one washing machine load and put them back in their place, but I decided to toss-out most of the things, odds-n-ends, that have been stored in those drawers and cupboards. The optimum word is "downsizing." We've kept every book of matches we've collected at various motels, restaurants, and attractions. I have no idea why. We are not smokers. I guess they were mementos. Good grief!

So the feeling of accomplishment is lingering here this evening. And yes, we still have more cleaning to do. The painters put a new coat of beautiful white on the vaulted ceiling in the living room, so that room is begging for my attention. Then the next bit of down-sizing will be in our very large office room (oh, books and books and books). Then I also need to get into our walk-in closet and eliminate scads of clothes. This won't be done in a day and it won't be done soon, but gradually. I know once it is completed, again I will experience the feeling of accomplishment.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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