Catching the drift

Our walk today with the youngsters and Daisy dog took us down a long and lovely lane called "the drift" near Swayfield. Saw dozens of orange tip butterflies and, thanks to advice from blippers a few weeks ago, I managed to achieve some macro shots in good focus (open and closed wings). These are in a collage with wildflowers, yellow cowslip and purple bugle as an Extra. My other Extra is Daisy who unfailingly finds a puddle in even the driest weather. Also saw a little creamy white butterfly and a big yellow one, but without photos of them. Caught a treetop blackbird in full song, as well as a buzzard in mid hover on camera, too. And I photographed several landscapes along the way, so was spoilt for choice which to blip. The more pics I take, the harder it is to decide. Hope you like the one I finally chose.

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