
The day started unusually and in a lovely manner. There was some last minute prep for the painter who is due to come in for the week but after that was done the trip into town was relatively leisurely and very pleasant. 

I met my friends Watty and Marco and we made our way to the airport and eventually to Venice! Oh, what a city! Right from the get go I was entranced and kept asking myself why I hadn't been before. We found our respective hotels, relatively close to each other, and then commenced to get lost - as one does in Venice. After a delicious meal, we found ourselves in the Piazza San Marco. Believe me, coming in at night is a wonderful introduction. Such beauty!

I'm now caught up on my blips starting here. I've added some extras and one day soon will sort out a proper set. I'm still woozy with love for Venezia... :)

I kept singing this song from one of Italy's best.

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