An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Don't Stop Me Now...

Today we were both up early and downstairs ready to tackle a task that until now, we've been very successful at avoiding - unpacking the final bundle of boxes of stuff that had been emptied from the kitchen and utility room last October before the kitchen was ripped out.

This could have ended up with us in a right guddle with stuff everywhere, not sure where it was going and arguing over what should be kept and what could be binned, given away or taken to be recycled, but it didn't because we had fully discussed our plan of attack.  Yes, all those delaying tactics paid off as it gave us time to agree to be as un-sentimental as possible (meaning I would be as unsentimental as possible) over inanimate objects.

One box at a time was tackled (there were 12 altogether) and all the items were divided into their respective bundles before moving on to the next box.  By the end we had three clear cut piles.

The stuff we are keeping has now found its new home in either the kitchen or the utility room, there's a box all ready to go to the charity shop and a box that a friend will pick up on Thursday.  

All sorted, no arguments, just sunshine as we worked, coffee and malt loaf to sustain us and Hue and Cry on the sound system. 

 I've spent worse afternoons :-))

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