I had lots of great ideas for my 1500's blip, but had forgotten I had decided to have a flying visit to the NE to see mum and dad. After a pub lunch we had a walk along the sea front, and a snapped a quick shot of Admiral Collingwood and the Tynemouth Priory.  

It has taken me a little longer than it should have to get to my 1500, but I still love the community and the way it allows me to share the highs and lows of peoples lives, most of who I would never have crossed paths without Blip. I have met some of you, hope to meet some others, many I will probably never meet other than through their daily photos. I have cried and laughed with you all, and learnt much about many things, and continue to be inspired and entertained by you all.

Thanks to all of you who share my daily ramblings and long may it continue.   

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