Apple Mint

I spent a couple of hours this morning weeding ragwort from the lower slopes of Berwick Law.  It is toxic to the Exmoor ponies who graze there. The presence of the ponies is a 5 year experiment.  They are much better than sheep and cattle at eating the tall tufts of grass, which allows smaller plants and wildflowers to flourish.  Seven ponies do the job that would require 140 sheep, so all round it seems a great idea, and being sent up here from Exmoor saves them from the knackers yard.  There are also 13 on Traprain Law. We didn't see the ponies, but I have seen them near the pond they use for drinking before now. Some of the larger ragwort plants were in clumps of lovely smelling apple mint, and since I was digging the ground to pull up the ragwort, I helped myself to a few stems of the mint.  It's now planted in a pot in the garden and I hope it takes off since it is apparently very nice for making tea and for use in salads and will also smell nice in the garden.

Update: check out the suggested blipmeet in Edinburgh with Ingeborg who is on holiday here

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