Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

A Prickly Customer

Began the day with a little family history research. Weirdly, the Dumfries and Galloway Society's premises are in the building where my grandparents lived, back in the 1920s. Thanks to the staff there and at the local library, I've got the location of my grandfather's grave, and confirmation that he was indeed manager of a theatre in Dumfries. How this ties in with his previous employments as coal miner, gold miner and poultry farmer, I have no idea, but at least it agrees with  what my mother told me.

Later we went down to the Solway coast and walked through the Caerlaverock Nature Reserve . We were too late for the geese, they have all gone off to cooler places for the summer. But the gorse was out and the scent of coconut was very strong while the sun was on it. Not a good idea to get too close when photographing - it has very sharp thorns.

Clouds were sweeping in as we were leaving, and we drove over the Eskdale and Ettrick moors through sleet and rain showers. Back home, I'm glad to see we've had some rain here too - the garden needs it.

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