Direct Action!!

More drama - well, on stage. At the Traverse, and a Tuesday slot for a change to hitch up with EcoPops. I’m surprised to see that he’s as big a tart as me: spying a theatre critic across the bar, he grabs his jacket and hustles me over to meet her. I’ll wait to read what she says about the latest, less than brilliant but better than awful, one. Clairvoyance stuff.
Then chinwaggery with the son, and to the meet up - for our local Councillor is up for reelection, so this is an ideal time to show face, curry favour, and receive bountiful thanks. Yes, more tarting. Just a few leaflets to put through a few doors. So many say, no junk mail, but they get one anyway. Democracy isn't junk, is it, people? (All sing) Avanti popolo, Alla riscossa! (exit MrP stage left with stern countenance to stirring music and clutching pile of leaflets).

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