One for the Journal

Today was all about grass! After a dryish week and a forecast of rain, I decided it was time to top the fields. We had given up on cutting for hay, so my neighbour came with the tractor and topper, we left half the meadows for another time, also there are so many butterflies out very late this year that I wanted to be sure they had plenty to feed on! The cut was quite high and it will allow some new growth for animals over the winter.
I also had an offer a girl can't refuse, three lads offering to help for a few hours, wonderful! So Sam mowed the grass around the house and in the orchard, Lonie and I raked the cut grass from the network of pathways through the woodlands and wild mountain land and Gilad stacked firewood and made some delicious pumpkin bread which we feasted on. Not the most interesting of images but I love the the look of the path winding up the mountain in the evening light. the terrain here is very rough with clumps of fernane grass, prickly dwarf gorse and heather, without a path it can be difficult to walk through, an annual cut is enough to keep it open.
Best get to the local and by these lads a pint!

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