The first of three

In conjunction with the Skye-based charity Lucky2BHere a few of us have been raising funds for a community-based defibrillator. Each one costs Lucky2BHere £1,500 and for this you get a defibrillator and a training session for up to 20 people. This is the first public access defibrillator to be available in our community. The eagle-eyed amongst you will spot that there's not actually a defibrillator machine in the cabinet. That's because there are three in my friend F's sitting room. F has been instrumental in getting us raising money. Anyway, the cabinet is fixed to the outside wall of our local day centre and by the weekend will be ready for use. The other two, in different locations, will follow very soon. Let's hope no-one ever needs a defibrillator but if they do there are going to be three in our community, ready 24 hours a day.

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