New Pump: Smiles all around

16th April 2017:
All faces in the  village wore smiles because they didn't expect to have a pump in the shortest period of time. Over many years many had promised to help them but were in vain. Now that they have clean water they will help their neighbours to dig their wells too, so that all can be safe from disease.


District:  Mzimba
Area:  Kalweya
Village: Enjuwale
Distance from factory:  122 km
Depth of well:  6.8 meters
Former water source: open well
Furthest from well:  700  meters
Number served:  120 families
Preschool:  None
Primary school:  15 mins
Secondary school:  5 hrs

S: 11 52 23
E: 33 26 55


G. Mhone:  0884274675


Keane Family,  Mayo, Ireland

Pump Number

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