I decided not to save the world today

Another Graffiti tour - this time organized by the municipality. I went there with L and her two friends.

The guide was very knowledgeable both about the history of graffiti, and the history of Tel Aviv. But in my opinion she spent too much time talking (she also spent an awful lot of time analyzing what the artist meant) and not enough touring so in the end I followed the group but ventured to side streets while she was talking.

I missed most my regular Friday lunch (the tour lasted 2 hours instead of 1.5 hours) so by the time I got there only one of the R was there and she was well lush (apparently staff kept plying the girls with drinks).

I had a quick bite then went we went back to my place where R crashed on my couch. We were supposed to meet L and her friends for a bar hopping session. but by the time it was time to go R was feeling really bad so she went back home and i met the girls.

It ended up being a very tame evening - we stuck to soft drinks and only stayed in the neighborhood bar. By midnight we were hone.

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