
Over to the Folks as usual today. They are as OK as could be expected. My Dad was outside, siphoning water from one water-butt, which was full, to another which had less in and which is easier to use for watering the tomato plants in the greenhouse. Despite the weather they are flowering nicely, and may produce a very good crop.

His neck was fine until after lunch. It's definitely worse when he's sitting, and especially after eating..

On the way home I saw three of the chickens that live free-range at the petrol garage. This one crossed the road that leads in and out of the garage. I asked her why she was crossing the road, hoping to be able to solve one of the great mysteries of our time, but she just gave me an enigmatic look and carried on her way.

I have work tonight. There may soon be developments in the management again...Watch this space...

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