Maria Zambrano

Maria was a famous Spanish philosopher and Malaga's main train station is named after her. This is one moment, of many, on this holiday where I was winding my sister up by announcing long place names in their entirety in a flamboyant Spanish accent. Estacion de Malaga Maria Zambrano. To much consternation and gurning.

You are probably more daft with your siblings than with any other individual. Toilet humour is rife. Stomachs are regularly displayed and squeezed in horror at the destruction of a healthy eating diet. Underwear is pranced around in. A sister will leave strappy footwear as trip hazards on the bedroom floor, minibar raid wrappers and makeup strewn on the table to leave no trace of the underlying surface. A brother will bathroom block after zoning out to YouTube on the toilet, will leave shavings all over the sink and will make everyone late for everything by jumping in the shower 6 minutes before the agreed meeting time.

Despite the many possible flash points, the sister and I did well at sharing a hotel room this week and future trips haven't been ruled out.

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