Sleeping Eli and Dolly

Auntie Kimmie was looking after Eli this evening, it went surprisingly well! First we played golf, granda Ian would be proud, then we watched some videos with a healthy snack of mango, before trying to convince him to eat healthy dinner, then a bath with lots of splashing, then more convincing before giving in and making chicken nuggets, then some games, before five books in bed only to be told 'no thanks' to going to sleep, then snuggling up on the sofa with to watch Trolls and finally falling asleep after five minutes... phew! As you can see, there was no way I could move, so I had to wait for uncle Lewis to come over and lift a soundly asleep Eli into bed, he didn't even stir! I've checked on him a few times, I'm always worried they're not breathing, they always are!

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