
By Susan1510

A & E (again)

When you have children you expect to have the occasional trip to A &  E. I only have one child living with me who is now 17. You would think that the trips to A & E would start to reduce. Not so.
Last night he decided to 'play' with a swiss army knife after he'd had some alcohol. Surprise, surprise it didn't end well. If you are squeamish don't read on.
He was throwing the open knife up and trying to catch it whilst sitting with his legs up on the couch. His co-ordination was slightly impaired due to the alcohol so he didn't manage to catch it. It fell, knife pointing down, straight into his calf muscle. The knife managed to enter his leg by about 2 inches. He immediately pulled it out. I was asleep at the time and was rudely awoken to the screams. I ran to the lounge to see pools of blood all over the lounge.
He can hardly walk today because he has damaged the muscle. His foot is all pins and needles.

Lesson learnt I hope.

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