
We set the alarm this morning as we were picking up daughter and granddaughter to take them to the airport for a flying visit to Southampton ;-)

Once we had droppd them off, we took a detour to youngest sons house to drop off a couple of things we had got for them from Costco. Then a quick stop off for milk, bread and a newspaper the. back on the motorway for home. Another stop,off at the farm for our eggs, also picked up a couple of trays of yellow trailing begonias... bargain at £2.49 for four.

An hours chill with the papers, and a coffee, before a light lunch, egg on toast, the simple pleasures :-)

We spent the rest of the day out in the garden, lots to do! Hub cut both lawns, edged them too, repaired couple of patches as well. Whilst I reshaped two smallish bushes we have either side of the arbour, nice and round...ish now ;-)

I planted up the first two of our summer containers, with white geraniums and white & lemon vanilla scented nemesias. Only another ten to go......there was a lot of weeding and watering got done too! I called it a day around 5......popped indoors to grab my camera and photographed one or two different flowers in the borders, but couldnt resist sharing this flower, its my absolute favourite :-)

After a cuppa and half an hours sit down, into the kitchen, made a chicken dopliaza curry, with extra green chilli, mushrooms and onions, with mixed brown and white rice. Didnt have any poppadums, drat!! .......so we had some tortilla chips with it instead :-))

Looks as though we are in for a nice week weather wise.......cloudy today, but much more pleasant, warming up as the week goes on...finally!!!!

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