
By cowgirl

Small triumph, HUGE disaster

So I thought the day was going ok - the highly anticipated work on the entrance floor began and I put together a table and chairs for the flat that will be getting a tenant after the weekend.

After lunch things took a dive.

When I arrived at the yard Richard told me that the vet had called to say his beloved Gina wasn't looking too well. She's been at the vet's for over a week now, which is routine here when they are in foal. He said that if she wasn't looking better later they would perform a Caesarian, which they did have to do ... Sadly they couldn't save Gina. :-((((((((((

We are all gutted, but Richard hasn't had time to grieve as he has spent the last 24 hours searching for a foster mum. Thankfully his last text to me this evening ( I'm back blipping on Saturday ) was that he's pretty sure he's found one.

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