Thank you

I don't recall ever putting a self portrait up on Blip, for reasons that are clear when you look at the picture.
However I felt I should appear in person to say thank you to all the UK tax paying members of Blip who will, from now on, be contributing funds to enable me to continue the life I so enjoy. Because ,as of today I am an official drain of society, a fully paid up OAP. So please keep working hard and paying you tax, and I hope you will get a small glow of satisfaction knowing the good cause (me) you are supporting.
For those Blippers who do not live in the UK or do not pay our taxes, I will be happy to accept any donations directly from you in cash, cheque or other money transfer.
I have always thought that 65 was old but, having got there, I now realise how wrong I have always been.

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