Seeds II

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

I let the dog take me a walk this afternoon [apart from the roadside where she would get us both killed]

We ambled here and there, she sniffing out rodents and me trying to compose a blip in the failing light, until we came to a track used by heavy vehicles which access the wasteland we found ourselves on. Land reclaimed from its mining and quarrying past, grey dirt crudely terraformed and planted with shrubs.

Tess danced off between the little trees; oak, ash,rowan and hazel. Hawthorn and gorse.

I immediately found a world of butterflies and seedheads. The butterflies were, too flighty, courting blues, so you get a seedhead from some umbilifer or other which I thought was nicely alien looking.

But, it shows why you should try the path less trodden, even if you don't quite blaze your own trail.

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