A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Playing in the garden...

...of Chiswick House. Sort of back to 'normal' weekend with J's football training starting. No dancing for Anna so we stayed home to await the arrival of my mom and dad. Lovely shopping potter down the Terrace and home for a BBQ lunch - I had special dispensation to use the BBQ as Carl had headed off to Ascot for a stag do. Afternoon in the sunshine at Chiswick House which included a rigorous testing of the Summer Card Camp with the guest appearance of tough chess judge, Grandpa.

Then home for me to get ready to head for a night at Wimbledon Dogs with my theatre group. Not very successful from a gambling point of view so we livened things up a little with our own betting ring but as I am led to believe that some of this activity might not have been entirely above aboard I shall say no more other than that it was tremendous fun.

I think that Carl spent the day at Ascot and I spent the night at the Dogs says enough all by itself...

Lesley x

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