I did some shopping for Dad, then visited him, his morning carer was late so a bit of a mad scramble to get sorted and then move on to visiting Mum in Abbeyfields. She was in a good mood again, she kept telling the other ladies on her table that I was her little boy! When I told her I was going to London afterwards to see Keith, my brother, she said to send him her regards as she had known him for a long time. But all good natured Alzheimer's today.
I caught the train straight from Winnersh to London and to the Tate Modern, to see the Wolfgang Tillmans exhibition. Keith and Naomi cycled over for tea and cake in the members room. Then we re looked at Tillmans ( I like looking twice, to see favourites and ones I missed first time round). we chose Leon for dinner, which was rather good, then K and N cycled off and I got tube from Southwark to Waterloo for train back, which was also a bit interesting as there were quite a few happy drunks from the Forces Rugby at Twickers.

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