
I'm back blipping now home as I've not been able to blip all weekend. It was the first day of ITTH for Herts scouts & guides, in the Peak District.

I lead a group along the ridge west from Mam Tor past Lord's Seat, down to Barber Booth and back up. Some of the youngsters were slow and one had a sore foot so we had to cut out the Mam Tor loop but we drove around to look at the shale landslide that had destroyed the Mam Tor Road.

I did a good job so my assessor finally crossed the last t and dotted the last i for the Girlguiding Level 2 Walking Scheme. The technical assessment weekend seems so long ago now and I've already progressed to a much higher level, so in the end it seemed a bit on an anti-climax. But never mind - box ticked. Next!

This little flower about 5cm high is a bit of an enigma. It's similar to cuckoo flower but the leaves are wrong and the flowers were not clustered.

Edit: Many thanks to Mollyblobs who says it may be a rather stunted variant of the Cuckooflower. The continental subspecies Cardamine pratensis subsp. polemonioides, has thick leaves with impressed veins and smaller flowers so this one may be that or very similar. This does of course raise the question as to how it came to be here, so for now we'll stick with Cuckooflower variant. Fascinating!

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