Mr John

By MrJohn

Sunday .....

..... sheep.

This evening after work I had another wonder down by the river and an Ice cream in the park ( banana ripple flavour ). Whilst in the park I had a text from Alison asking if I fancied a bike ride, which I didn't so I suggested a walk on the moor instead.

We had a nice couple of hours walk over the moor both of us stopping every now and then to take photos. As alway I ended up with quite a few silhouette photos and some nice shots of the setting sun, but decided I have blipped enough of those recently ( I could almost rename this journal 'sunsets and silhouettes' ). I have insted blipped one of the cheeky sheep on the moor that popped its head up out of the bracken as we were walking past.

So today's blip is .....

..... Sunday sheep.

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