Well Groomed

Today the Camera Club had a display stand at Romiley Young Farmers' Annual Show.

Now, where would you put a photography display? In the crafts marquee - possibly?

No. We were situated in the tent with bee-keepers, rare breed hens and guinea pigs!
Where else.

This lady was grooming her guinea pig ready for judging. It looked to me as if she was brushing him the wrong way, but apparently thats the way his hair grows and this type of guinea pig (or should I call them cavies) is known as a "Teddy". Never heard of them before - there is always something new to learn.

Anyway, our display seemed to generate a lot of interest, once everyone found us, and we are hopeful that we will have gained a few new recruits to the club.
I feel as if I am getting a little braver and asking people if I they'd mind having a picture taken.

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