Grosbeak on a Branch

For whatever reason, there are an unusual number of birds this Spring at a local nature center.  It could very well be that I didn't know what I was looking at in previous years.  So I wasn't surprised to see Osuzanna show up there as well.  We saw the usual yard visitors, but also Eastern Bluebirds, an Indigo Bunting, Eastern Towhee and Eastern Phoebe.  It doesn't mean I got a good shot of them, but to have the opportunity to try is thrilling.  I'm posting this Rose-breasted Grosbeak because we only see them for a couple of weeks each year around here, and last time he wasn't in a pretty tree.
In addition, Suzanne and I were so surprised to find a fox, with a mouthful of his morning catch, walking right toward us.  Check out her fabulous shot here. I can't resist documenting this occasion by posting my blip snap as an extra.

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