Home Help

This is what happens when Alan works from home, the boys like to help!

I've been suffering with a tender Achilles for the last month, but this morning it was very painful and I could feel a lump. I phoned the Doctor but there are no appointments until next week, but as I work for a GP, I decided to ask him to look at it - another advantage of the job!

Anyway, the diagnosis is Achilles Tendinitis and he recommended anti-inflammatories, but in the past I've had bad allergic reactions to all NSAIDS, and my face and lips would swell up and I'd get hives. Needless to say, I stopped taking them and haven't taken any for about two years. It's very restrictive, as sometime they're a necessity.

I agreed to try them and he gave me a prescription for two tablets a day, which I collected at lunch time. I took one with my lunch and had no reaction, so I took the second tonight after I'd eaten, but a short time ago, my eye started to feel puffy, and sure enough I'm having an allergic reaction and it's starting to swell up! I've taken an antihistamine so hopefully it'll start to go down soon. What a pain, I thought anti-inflammatories were supposed to reduce swelling, not cause it!

Some exciting news today, is that Lynn from Cancer Research UK has been in touch again, and asked if I would be interested in doing a photo shoot and video with my team, to promote the Pretty Muddy 5k that we're taking part in. Of course I said yes, and we'll be doing it in the next couple of weeks. The fun part is that it will involve space hoppers!

Here's the link to my Fundraising page if anyone is interested in supporting us.

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