
..... to all golfer's.

In the name of photography I wandered onto a golf course to take some photos of the green.

Ozzy was there to.... minding his own.... then he appears with a soft dog ball in his mouth and proceeds to rip it up, on the green!!

I tell him to leave it and off he goes again as I take another couple of shots.... and then he appears, happy as Larry, with fake tree branch that is a T marker in his mouth!!

Now I know we have to go!

I start picking up the bits of ball pieces... meanwhile he's still got the Tmarker in his mouth!Chuffed to bits with himself!

I look up.... and there's a golfer staring at us.
Not looking too impressed!

I finish picking up the ball bits and remove the offensive item from said mouth.... look at the man, apologise and sheepishly ask if he knows where it belongs!

He then made a remark about how I should have the dog on the lead.... I apologise again, mumble something about taking photos and make my exit.....

Head hung in shame......

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