Back in 5. Or tomorrow.

By mly

Winter sun

Went for a wonderful walk on Styrsö, an island in the archipelago outside Göteborg, today. The weather was perfect! Too bad the sun disappears at half past three or so though...

I've had a great christmas and new years, and hope you all have too! 2009 is treating me very well so far - the only thing not to my taste being my economic situation at the moment not really allowing me to support blipfoto by becoming a founding member :( I would love to contribute like that, but I'm not that active anymore and we've got a three and a half week trip to New Zealand coming up that's eating all our money at the moment. To top it off we bought 7000 SEKs worth of flight tickets to Iceland for June today. I'm not gonna complain about the traveling we're going to do, because it's of course awesome to be able to go away like that, but when other stuff shows up that you've got to say no to, it's always just a bit annoying to have to save for something that you can't really "touch" yet... Eek, I'm having luxury problems and I'm complaining, I'm so sorry! Just ignore my blabbering :)

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