La vida de Annie

By Annie

Here we go again

Up at the crack of dawn for my friend S to take me to hospital for a scheduled op on my leg to remove two problem screws from the rod through my tibia. Not so much under the knife as under the screwdriver. Although not a long procedure, it necessitated a general anaesthetic, which I had a few worries about because the last time I had one it was for a lengthy op to plug my leaky brain. For some reason the gas man decided to insert the canula in the inside of my wrist instead of the usual back of hand, and (probably because of the aspirin I take to avoid blood clots) it bled spectacularly when the tube was removed later. For a collection of interesting blood quotes see here.

Apart from that all went well, and I'm now wearing two chunky bandages on a leg which once again resembles a giant chorizo.

After a nice lunch and several cups of tea in my private ensuite room with flatscreen tv - as an NHS patient "farmed out" at their expense to reduce waiting lists, I was expecting a broom cupboard instead - and some lovely texts from friends and relatives, S collected me and took me to her house for the evening, as there was no-one home at mine and I was a bit wobbly after the painkilling injection wore off. Here I gave reiki to her elderly cat, and she (S not the cat) plied me with coffee, food and chocolate and good company before taking me back home. What a great friend she is. Long day though....

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