Grossbeak in the Rain, such a soggy fellow

Oh dear I am too tired  to do this right! It has been a very long week at work-we moved the clinic to a new building last week ( much larger) , but even though we only did walkins last week and no scheduled patients in order to have everything up and running this week.... it isn't exactly. the WIFI isn't up  to running the laptops in the patient rooms and may not be for another month. we are all having trouble figuring out how to function in the new space. ( and I am so sad to have lost my window to a cubicle in a windowless room). And because of the slower computer speed due to I am not sure what and supposedly temporary, and the fact that Dragon isn't loaded yet I am typing everything which takes forever . I am also covering someone else labs and walk ins so I have been leaving anywhere from 8-9:30 at night . tonight was 5:45 -a miracle. Thanks to the miracle of a cancellation and a no show.So thank you to anyone who has starred anything in the recent weeks because I have not been on Blip long enough to do more than look . 
Tonights soggy rose breasted grossbeak brought to you by a wet spring . The apple trees were also hosting some cedar waxwings and a very pretty but reclusive yellow warbler.

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