Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

You don't have to be a mastermind to live here....

....but it helps.

She beat me (again).

*** Rant warning ***

Was very cross all day today about football.  I coach an Under 10s team and the league have organised some training for loads of local coaches to get their FA Level 1 qualification.  It was going to run for 10 evening sessions over the next couple of months, and the dates they sent through were all OK.

However, I got a phonecall on Wednesday, two hours before the first session saying it had been postponed.  Then they sent through new dates and one of them, for Emergency First Aid, clashed with a residential trip for my class.  I contacted them to say that I already have emergency first aid as I am a primary teacher, but they said that it might not count!!!!!!!  Before I got a chance to call the F.A. Education team (because the Derbyshire F.A. wouldn't call them to find out for me), I got another email saying the entire 10-week training had been cancelled.  Grrr.  I think I know what F.A. stands for now.

Then at football training on Friday, one of my team decided to play in the park right next to where we we training instead of joining in, telling one of the other kids that "he had quit" (news to me) whilst another one told a teammate "screw football" and played with him.  Fed up with the lack of commitment, respect and no parental intervention in their behaviour.  They have let their teammates down big time.  

As a volunteer in all this, it is enough to make you want to jack it all in. 

Rant over.

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