
By Frogbit

Small magpie

Eurrhypara hortulata apparently. Having a rest on our living room ceiling. Moths are a bit underrated. Many are small, brown and not likely to inspire much excitement unless you are a mothy person. A near neighbour of ours runs a moth trap regularly to keep track of local fluctuations in species numbers and is hugely knowledgeable about all things moth-related. Through him I've been introduced to a large number of species which most of us will not normally see as they are night-fliers. Some do fly in the day and if you have ever seen a hummingbird hawk moth in action you are unlikely to forget the experience. We had one helping itself to our red valerian one summer - the children thought it WAS a hummingbird!

My #1day12pics challenge for AYWMC theme is 'rubbish'. It seemed a good idea at the time but I should really have thought it through properly before embarking on a rather tedious set of images recording our output for variously, recycling, compost and (boo, hiss) landfill.

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