Nature taking over!

Not feeling great but with the prescribed meds and some paracetamol I managed to get quite a bit done!  The weather is so glorious that you can't really stay indoors.  

Planted out the lettuces and cauliflower seedlings, and also some garlic cloves that I'd forgotten I had!  Goodness knows whether they will come to anything or not, but they might as well be planted!

Ollie and I called in on B & J on the way back from seeing to the hens.  Lovely to see them again and catch up on their news.  B's memory loss is getting worse.  It comes and goes, even in one conversation.  She can be quite lucid when telling you about a past incident, but then can't remember what to do when the washing machine beeps to say the cycle is finished.  The answer?  Press start and put in on again - it can't harm the clothes, and when it finishes again J will be back in from feeding the birds and she can ask him.  An excellent coping strategy!  Very wise!  

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