Morning Rainbow

If I'm lucky I see this rainbow first thing in the morning in the resources room as I go downstairs. It's from an old chandelier piece hanging in the window. Always starts my day well when I see it.
A leisurely sunday but finally found the energy to plant my squash seeds. having learnt my lesson in previous years only 2 of each type sown - which hopefully means only 30 plants if they all take! Different types of courgette along with  turks head, sweet dumpling and patty pans,pumpkins and butternut squash. I luckily read the seed packet of the latter and found it is a good companion plant around sweetcorn - so good job I had sown these too!
I did a google search on heart palpitations on return from doing the Girls. I've been having them daily for a few months and trying not to worry about them - with the hot flushes making another appearance I wondered if they were related to the menopause. Well of course they are! Phew! Honestly it's like a constant parade of symptoms! On looking up treatments I found some self help strategies  amongst which were coughing, holding ones nose and keeping the mouth shut and blowing forcefully - known as the Valsalva Maneuver -  and my personal favourite, bearing down!! All supposed to restore a natural rhythm! 
I really think there should be far more information in the media about the effects of the menopause, even better a little pamphlet outlining all the possible things a woman may experience, sent out to all women on their 40th birthday!!!  I'm sure it would lessen visits to the  Dr's and reassure women that they neither have a life threatening condition nor are losing their minds. I know I have felt both these things over the years! So excuse me whilst I go bear down and restore my mental sanity! 

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