Chunky bellies

So, day three of my quick juice thing which has been juice, juice, soup each day. Yesterday morning I was thinking sod it but pushed on and now this evening I am wondering if I should just carry on for a couple more days. It does wonders for my chunky belly and makes me sleep really really well.

Last nights yoga was this. It was very nice, I'm going back next month.

And Rosie has her haircut today. After previous haircuts we have marvelled at her slim form she had been hiding under her curls. Not this time. This time she was hiding only the true chunkiness of her girth. I changed her food about 6 weeks ago, looks like I over estimated the new portions. She is already excellent at her yoga stretches, maybe I will make her a juice for her breakfast now she is slimming.

And in the rest of the day round up, work appears to be getting a little needy and Will has ditched the yoga. I have ditched trying to make him show any interest in the slightest in any after school club. Instead he is going to take Rosie for a walk after school every day. They just go round the block a few times at the moment, when they get back Rosie is incredibly excited to share her news of leaving the house without me. Little doggy brains make me laugh.

PS am not actually turning into a hippy yoga juice freak. Still love gin, white wine, chips, cake and sitting on my bum.

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