New shoes

It's a struggle I tell you, finding shoes to fit my lopsided, fat, non-matching, flat on one side feet. And it costs a fortune, happily these were in the sale.

The carpets are now cleaned, no actual miracles, in summary I think "much better" is a fair description. Mind you when you are working with 14 year old beige carpet that has been through two babies, there's probably only so much you can do. I am now declaring Operation House Phase I as Complete. Tomorrow, moving immediately onto Phase II, I shall ring the estate agents.

I have been out for dinner with the lovely ex- boss this evening resulting in a double salmon day. I forgot what I had for my lunch until my dinner arrived. All very nice though and a goodly catch up.

And (in very tiny writing just because I want to remember it) Daisy had her head girl interview today. She put forward a splendid effort of not giving a shit with no make up and hair that needed washing and is very confident that she will not be successful. She said she got all shaky and nervous, my brilliant little girl who hates speaking to people she doesn't know, all good practice for when she does actually have to speak to people. I'm so v v proud of her in every way.

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