The Grand Entrance!

The steps are coming along nicely. They have free reign on  the design and may well become a little too grand!! Today we had to use the back door!!

Daughter Number 1 and I had to go to work to listen to new proposals for how the local authority can save £25 million. Sadly we will all be affected with only a 2 hour cancellation claim and deducting miles to our nearest office (28 a day for me). But know something has to give

Lena dropped her motor home off to a local park today then I gave her a lift home.  Saturday is her chucking out day.  Sadly.

Then my friend Jane came for dinner (via the back entrance!) and a catch up. Our was great to see her.

Now for an early night as we are both knackered, especially MrW who had another early start to get to the Old Bailey.

Night night.


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